How do you say ‘coronavirus’ in Spanish? Simply put “el coronavirus”.
The scientific name for the new virus is the same in every language: Covid-19 but you will sometimes see it as SARS-CoV-2.
What is the current situation in Spain?
Spain is the worst-hit country in Europe after Italy. The Spanish government has put the country under lockdown as part of its state of emergency measures in order to combat the spread of coronavirus. Therefore, people are allowed out only for emergencies, to buy food, or for work.
In Spain, more than 6000 people have tested positive for the coronavirus to date. They have been put in isolation either at home or in hospital.
What precautions have they taken?
- el aislamiento preventivo – preventative isolation
- aislado en su domicilio – self-isolation
- cuarentena – quarantine
- la mascarilla – a protective face mask
Do we need to be tested?
- pruebas – tests
- dar positivo – positive
- dar negativo – negative
What are the main three symptoms that are associated with the coronavirus?
- la fiebre – A fever above 38C
- la tos – a cough
- la sensación de falta de aire – shortness of breath
Would you like to learn some basic Spanish vocabulary?
- el brote – the outbreak
- la epidemia – the epidemic
- la emergencia – the emergency
- el foco de contagios – the infection hotspot
- la transmisión – the transmission
- la transmisión secundaria – person-to-person transmission
- la suma de infectados – number of infected
- los afectados – those affected
- los ingresados – those admitted into hospital
- los recuperados – those recovered
- los muertos, fallecidos – those dead
- el aislamiento preventivo – preventative isolation
- la unidad de cuidados intensivos (la UCI) – intensive care unit
- la situación clínica grave – serious condition
- el estado crítico – critical state
- la sintomatología leve – light symptoms
- las personas asintomáticas – asymptomatic people
What should we do?
- Si estornudas, o toses, cúbrete la boca y la nariz con pañuelos desechables – If you sneeze or cough, cover your mouth and nose with a disposable tissue.
- Lávate las manos frecuentemente – Wash your hands regularly.
- No te toques la boca, la cara o los ojos con las manos – Don’t touch your mouth, face, or eyes with your hands.
Important message:
Si estás enfermo, ¡quédate en casa!
If you are sick, stay at home!
Mónica Romero
Educational Director & Spanish Express Blogger
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